Applications and Permits

Town staff can assist you with your applications for burn permits, development permits, home occupations, subdivisions and re-designation applications. Safety Codes permits are purchased, reviewed and issued direclty from our contracted safety inspection agency to IJD Inspections Ltd. 

The Town accepts:

  • cash
  • cheque
  • debit card
  • MasterCard 
  • Visa 

All land within the Town of Crossfield has a land use designation (zoning) assigned to it. The zoning attached to a parcel of land dictates what may or may not be developed on that parcel of land.  Refer to the Town’s Land Use Bylaw for information on zoning in the Town of Crossfield.

Land Use Map 

If an applicant wishes to amend the zoning of a parcel of land, a Redesignaiton Application must be completed.  An amendment to the land use designaiton is completed by a bylaw and must be approved by Town Council. 

Redesignation Form

Alberta Land Surveyors' Association offers information on Real Property Reports and other important information pertaining to properties within the province of Alberta. 

The Town completes Certificate of Compliances on Real Property Reports. To complete a Certifiate of Compliance, please include a completed Certificate of Complaince Application Form along with a Real Property Report (RPR) or a Surveyor’s Certificate (SC) and payment.

The RPR or SC must be legible; accurately showing all dimensions and all structured located on the property and must be signed by an Alberta Land Surveyor.  

Certificate of Complaince Application Form

 Complaince Certification Policy

A Development Permit is needed for most new construction or changes of use. Development permits within the Town of Crossfield are governed by the Municipal Government Act, the Municipal Development Plan, Downtown and Entrance Area Redevelopment Plan, Rocky View/Crossfield Intermunicipal Development Plan along with the Land Use Bylaw. The Development Officer or Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) is authorized as the development authority.  

For some projects, development permits are not required, as long as they meet the minimum standards contained in the land use bylaw. 

New Construction Development Permit (New Construction - New Single Family Dwelling, Duplex, Commercial, Industrial, Accessory Building etc.)

Development Permit (New business, Change of use, Fence, Driveways etc.)

 Contact the Development and Planning department to establish a pre-application meeting. Town staff will be pleased to help you through the development process.

Notice of Decisions  

 No Notice of Decisions at this time.

Approved Development Permit Listings 

May 2024 Approved Development Permits

Approved Development Permit - 2023

 The Fire Department may issue a permit allowing the burning of:  

  • Coal and straw;
  • Building waste; and,
  • Weeds, grass, and brush in road rights-of-way. 

where, in the Authority's opinion, there is no hazard to persons or to other properties.

The cost of the permit is $80.

Fire permits are not required when any person burns clean, dry, untreated wood or charcoal in a fire pit, outdoor fireplace and barbecue, complying with section 6 of the Town of Crossfield Fire Permit Bylaw.

Detailed information can be found in the Fire Permit Bylaw. Permits can be obtained from the Town Administration Office. Please call 403-946-5565 for more information.

Effective July 1, 2024, the Town of Crossfield changed its contract inspection agency to IJD Inspections Ltd.  IJD Inspections Ltd. is an Authorized Accredited Agency in the Province of Alberta dedicated to providing you, the client, with the best service possible relating to the safety codes industry.

The Safety Codes Act requires all contractors and homeowners in Alberta obtain permits prior to commencing work on buildings covered by the Alberta Building Code, the Canadian Electrical Code, the Alberta Gas Code or the Alberta Plumbing Code.

Any permits issued prior to July 1, 2024, will continue to be inspected and closed by Parks Enterprise Ltd.  If you have any questions, please contact the Town office at (403) 946-5565.

Safety Codes permits are issued for the Town of Crossfield by IJD Inspections Ltd. Building, electrical, gas, plumbing, and private sewage disposal system (PSDS) projects all require approved permits and inspections.

Once you have applied and received an approval for a Development Permit from the Town of Crossfield, contact IJD for information on other required permits. 

For General Information and Permit Application Forms, click on the links below.

When is a Permit Required

IJD Inspections Ltd.

Permit Applications

Permit ApplicationsPermit FeesAdditional Information 
Building Permit ApplicationBuilding Permit Fee

Misc. Permit Fees
Electrical Permit ApplicationElectrical Permit Fee
Gas Permit ApplicationGas Permit Fee
Plumbing Permit Applicaiton
Private Sewage Disposal Permit Application
Plumbing Permit Fee

A sign permit is very similar to a development permit as it constitutes approval from the Town to place one or more of a variety of signs on a property. Before any type of sign can be located on a site, an application must be provided to the Development Officer for a Sign Permit.

Signage Permit Application

The residential character of our community is maintained by good planning practices. Town administration works closely with each developer and all are treated in a fair and reasonable manner. Guidelines are in place to engage the community in any new developing subdivisions.

Visit the Municipal Plans page; these documents have been adopted by Town Council to guide the growth and development within the Town.  

Please contact the Planning and Development or call (403) 946-5565 for more information.

Stripping and grading involve moving and/or stockpiling soil. All stripping and grading activities. for multi-lot regrading, placement of clean fill, and stockpiling for subdivision construction and off-site servicing require a Top Soil Stripping and Grading permit.

Note: For some development permits, Alberta Transportation, Alberta Environment, or other provincial bodies will need to be consulted.

Top Soil Stripping and Grading Permit

Home occupations are small-scale businesses that operate out of a home in a residential neighbourhood. To obtain a permit, please complete the application below and submit the completed form to

Home Occupation / Home Office Permit