The Future of Crossfield

Crossfield Administration and Council are in the process of reaffirming the Town’s overall vision for growth and development over the long term. To help us do this, the Town is working on an update to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP).

What is a Municipal Development Plan?

A Municipal Development Plan is a blueprint to determine how our community will grow and develop over time. This includes items such as where new homes, businesses, parks, and roads will be constructed as well as how to ensure Crossfield grows not only in size but also in the aspect of its sense of community. Resident participation in an MDP is crucial for numerous reasons, including:

  • Shaping Your Community: The MDP will help dictate what your neighborhood could look like in the future.
  • Quality of Life: Addresses important issues such as safety, green spaces, and transportation, all which directly affect daily life.
  • Sustainable Growth: The plan aims to manage growth in a way that benefits everyone, securing the community remains resilient and livable.
  • Shared Vision: By participating, you can help confirm a shared vision for the future, ensuring that the community develops in a way that reflects the values and desires of its residents.

Being part of the update process means residents have a voice in how our community evolves, making it a place we can all be proud to call home.

Collectively, the MDP represents a guiding document to support the decision-making process and all future planning efforts. In summary, the MDP should:

  • Encompass what citizens value most about their community (what we want to protect)
  • Captures an image of what the community wants the town to become in the future (what we want to attract); and,
  • Provide direction for the goals and policies within the plan, which support how decisions are made.

Why is the Town of Crossfield updating the Municipal Development Plan?

The current Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was adopted in 2018 and requires updating to reflect the status of Crossfield since it was implemented 6 years ago. The update is important to explore changes in community perspectives, needs, and experiences, as well as changes in demographics, the economy, and land use.

This update will give Crossfield council and administration the opportunity to:

  • Take inventory of what has evolved and what remains relevant
  • Identify current and emerging issues and opportunities that require attention
  • Identify new goals and priorities

How do I participate in the Municipal Development Plan update?

We need you! Take the Municipal Development Plan survey and share your ideas about the future of Crossfield. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and will be open until September 12, 2024.

Municipal Development Plan Survey 

You'll also be able to visit us at the Town of Crossfield booth at Crossfield Community Fest where the project team will share information about the project, answer questions, and host a family-friendly activity to understand community priorities.  

Date: September 10, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Railway Street
Event Description: Join the Town of Crossfield as well as local clubs, societies, service groups, sports teams, and businesses to learn more about all the programs offered to Crossfield residents. Live music, face painting, and food trucks will be on site!