Main content of the website


Thank you for your interest in seeking employment with the Town of Crossfield. All employment opportunities with the Town are posted on this website, and through local media. Please visit us regularly for up-to-date employment opportunities.

Applications can be submitted to

Applications submitted to the Town will be kept on file for a period of six months and will be considered if a position becomes available.

DepartmentJob Title Closing Date
Community & Protective ServicesCommunity Peace Officer 1Until a suitable candidate is found
OperationsWater & Wastewater Operations Strategist
Until a suitable candidate is found

Opportunities for Request for Proposals (RFP) and tendering are available here, as well at the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC), 

We provide open and equal competitive bid opportunities, in accordance with our Purchasing Policy, as we seek the best value for our community.

Each RFP document includes the closing time and submission instructions. There are times when the information provided on this website is different than the information on the RFP document. In all cases, the information on the RFP document will prevail.

Current Requests for Proposal can be found below.

Closing Date and Time
Community Risk Assessment and Fire Services Master Plan Request for Proposal
This proposals is for the development of a strategic planning framework, beginning with a Community Risk Assessment (CRA) and followed by a Fire Services Master Plan.
Thursday April 3, 2025 at 4 p.m., Alberta time
Amery Park Outdoor Rink Upgrade Request for Proposal
This proposals is for rebuilding the board system at the Amery Park Outdoor Rink.
Thursday March 27, 2025 at 4 p.m., Alberta time

The Town's surplus (small equipment, office furniture, tools, vehicles, heavy equipment, etc.), is disposed of using a variety of methods, reducing the amount of equipment sent to the landfill.

The Town currently uses GovDeals, an online marketplace, for selling surplus items.

Additional methods of surplus disposal includes:

  • Sale to another municipality or government agency
  • Trade in towards replacement goods
  • Donation to a registered non-profit or charitable agency
  • Auction

Thank you for interest in volunteering within the Town of Crossfield.  All town board and committee volunteer opportunities are posted on this website, and through local media.  Please visit use regularly for up-to-date volunteer opportunities. 

Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

If you are interested in joining a town board or committee, the Town of Crossfield invited applicants to complete the Board and Committee application form and submit it to the town for review and appointment.