The Town of Crossfield has policies and plans in place to ensure sustainable growth and development. These documents lay the groundwork for all development within the town and influence the future of our community.
Under the Municipal Government Act (MGA,) Alberta municipalities are required to list all planning documents on their website.
The following plans and documents guide growth and development in the Town.
Servicing Plans
- Crossfield Sanitary Servicing Study (2020)
- Crossfield Stormwater Master Plan (2020)
- Crossfield Transportation Master Plan (2020)
- Crossfield Water Servicing Study (2020)
Area Structure Plans
Review Process
Land use may also be subject to other federal and provincial regulations. The Planning and Development Document Diagram outlines the order in which land use planning decisions flow through the various planning stages of review.
Municipal Plans
The Biophysical report provides a biological impact assessment of the Town of Crossfield, including annexed areas, in support of the Municipal Development Plan.
The Crossfield East Area Structure Plan (CEASP) outlines a vision for the future physical development of an area with regard to such things as land use, transportation, protection of the natural environment, emergency services, general design and utility service requirements. The Town of Crossfield adopted the CEASP affecting the lands described as:
NW 36-28-01-W5M,
SW 36-28-01-W5M,
NW 25-28-01-W5M,
SW 25-28-01-W5M,
NW 24-28-01-W5M
The purpose of the Downtown and Entrance Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is to provide policies for the future redevelopment of the downtown and entrance area of the Town of Crossfield.
The Crossfield Sustainability Plan builds upon the many assets already available within the community. These assets can be grouped according to location and natural features, infrastructure, facilities and services, businesses, organizations, heritage, quality of life and the many opportunities these assets provide for creating a more sustainable community.
The Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) for Rocky View County and the Town of Crossfield outlines the framework for planning to establish "the process", along with the next steps of implementation, which will include determining future growth areas, appropriate land use and urban/rural interface and servicing co-ordination.
The purpose of the Town of Crossfield Land Use Bylaw is to prohibit or regulate and control the use and development of land and buildings within the Town of Crossfield and to achieve orderly, efficient and economic development of land. To achieve this purpose, the Town of Crossfield Land Use Bylaw:
- divides the Town of Crossfield into Land Use Districts;
- prescribes and regulates for each Land Use District, the range of uses and the purpose for which land or buildings may be used;
- establishes a method of making decisions on applications for development permits, including the issuing of development permits, sign permits and demolition permits;
- establishes a method of making decisions on applications for subdivision approval and the issuing of subdivision decisions; and
- prescribes procedures to notify owners of land likely to be affected by the issuance of development permits or subdivision decisions.
The Municipal Development Plan is a long-range policy document intended to guide the Town of Crossfield council and administration in making sustainable, responsible and accountable decisions with respect to land use, development and service provision.
Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (Accepted May 17, 2022)
Oct 2022 - Results Summary Update
April 2023 - Results Summary Update
The Town of Crossfield has undergone changes in Council and Administration with a new Chief Administrative Officer hired in September 2021 and a new Council elected in October 2021. Together, Council and Administration have undertaken the establishment of this Strategic Plan to guide the development of the Town through 2026. While the Town has not previously developed a strategic plan, it has retained consultants to develop various plans for downtown revitalization and economic development.
This process was undertaken with the guidance of an external facilitator and involved Town Council and members of the Town’s senior Administration. The purpose of the plan is to guide the Town’s future, ensuring sustainable community growth and retention of Crossfield’s key strengths. Council has set the vision and the plan will help Administration turn it into reality in a fiscally responsible manner, making efficient use of resources.
The plan is a living document and sets forth the priorities for five years based on the financial realities of today. The plan should be reviewed twice annually and revised once annually in order to ensure current and projected realities, which may change, are considered and reflected. While priorities, action items and goals are identified, Town Administration is responsible for identifying specific means, timeframes and budgets.