The Province requires municipalities in Alberta to hold an election every 4 years to determine the Council for the next 4 year period. Occasionally, a by-election may be needed during this term if a vacancy arises due to a resignation, death, or other circumstances that prevent a current Councillor from fulfilling their duties.
The Council is the governing body of the municipal corporation and the custodian of its powers, both legislative and administrative. The Municipal Government Act provides that councils can only exercise the powers of the municipal corporation in the proper form, either by bylaw or resolution.
Town Council is responsible for the growth, direction and sustainability of the Town of Crossfield. Council directs administration in the delivery of services for residents including traffic enforcement, roads and public works maintenance, property assessments, land development, fire, police and emergency services, and recreational facilities.
A general municipal election will be held on Monday October 20, 2025, for the following offices within the Town of Crossfield.
Office | Number of Vacancies |
Mayor | One (1) |
Councillors | Six (6) |
The Town of Crossfield is required to follow the procedures outlined in the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA). Although, further policies or bylaws can be created to assist the voters, candidates, and scrutineers alike.
For further information on the 2025 Municipal election, please contact:
Lindsey Nash, Returning Officer
Town of Crossfield
1005 Ross Street, Box 500
(403) 946-5565
PLEASE NOTE: The material that follows is provided for information only. This summary is not intended to replace the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand this legislation, or to seek appropriate advice from professionals as required. The candidate is responsible for ensuring that their campaign complies with all official statutes and regulations.
Candidate Information
Role of Council
The Town of Crossfield Council serves as the municipality's governing body and, together with the Chief Administrative Officer, oversees the powers and responsibilities granted under the Municipal Government Act and other relevant legislation, bylaws, and policies. The Council consists of one Mayor and seven Councillors.
The Council’s primary role is to guide the municipality's direction by developing policies and programs and making decisions that serve the best interests of Crossfield’s residents and businesses. These policies and programs establish the framework for Administration to manage the town’s daily operations.
According to Alberta’s Municipal Government Act, municipalities in the province have six key purposes:
- To provide good governance.
- To foster environmental well-being.
- To promote economic development.
- To offer services, facilities, or other resources deemed necessary or desirable by Council for part or all of the municipality.
- To create and sustain safe, viable communities.
- To collaborate with neighboring municipalities in planning, delivering, and funding intermunicipal services.
The Crossfield Council fulfills these purposes through its policies, programs, and decisions, ensuring they reflect the needs of the town’s residents and businesses.
Individuals interested in running for Council can consult Alberta Municipal Affairs' "What Every Councillor Needs to Know: A Council Member’s Handbook" for detailed information about the roles and responsibilities of municipal councillors in Alberta.
Role of Mayor
The Mayor’s primary role is to serve as the official spokesperson for the Town of Crossfield and to chair Council meetings. These responsibilities are established under the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Crossfield’s Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, and the Procedure Bylaw.
As the Town’s spokesperson, the Mayor plays a vital role in communicating Council’s decisions, representing Crossfield in discussions with other municipalities, and acting on behalf of the Town at the provincial and federal levels.
When chairing Council meetings, the Mayor must remain impartial and fair to all Councillors, ensuring meetings are conducted in an organized and orderly manner. Additionally, the Mayor often acts as a consensus-builder, balancing differing priorities and perspectives within Council.
Role of Councillor
The Town of Crossfield Council consists of seven councillors who collaborate to set the overall direction of the Town through their role as decision-makers.
Under the Municipal Government Act (MGA), councillors are responsible for the following eight duties:
- Considering the welfare and interests of the Town of Crossfield as a whole and bringing to Council’s attention any matters that would promote the municipality's welfare or interests.
- Encouraging an integrated and strategic approach to intermunicipal land use planning and service delivery with neighboring municipalities.
- Participating in the development and evaluation of the Town’s policies and programs.
- Attending Council meetings, committee meetings, and other meetings of bodies to which they are appointed by Council.
- Obtaining information from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Town’s operations or administration.
- Maintaining confidentiality for matters discussed in private during Council or committee meetings until such matters are addressed in public meetings.
- Adhering to the Town of Crossfield’s Council Code of Conduct Bylaw as established by Council.
- Performing any additional duties or functions required by the MGA, other legislation, bylaws, or policies.
As elected representatives, Councillors are entrusted with serving the interests of the entire municipality. To maintain public trust, Councillors must avoid conflicts of interest in decisions made by Council. They are required to understand and comply with the pecuniary interest and conflict of interest provisions outlined in the Municipal Government Act and abide by the Town of Crossfield’s Council Code of Conduct Bylaw to ensure their decisions do not personally benefit themselves, their families, or their employers.
Role of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) serves as the administrative leader of the Town, responsible for implementing the policies and programs established by Council. The CAO also provides advice to Council and ensures it remains informed about the municipality's operations.
The powers and responsibilities of the CAO are defined in the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Crossfield’s Chief Administrative Officer Bylaw, and other applicable legislation, bylaws, and policies.
A strong relationship between Council and the CAO is crucial for effective municipal administration. Council must have confidence that the CAO will execute its decisions, while the CAO must trust that Council will thoughtfully consider their advice when making decisions.
Training and Orientation
Newly elected Town of Crossfield Councillors are required to attend a series of orientation sessions to prepare for their term of office on Council. Attendance at the orientation sessions is required by the Municipal Government Act.
The following are some of the topics that are required to be covered in the orientation sessions, which will be held after the 2025 municipal election:
- the role of municipalities in Alberta
- the organization and function of municipalities
- budgeting and financial administration
- the roles and responsibilities of councillors
- the roles and responsibilities of the Chief Administration Officer and Town of Crossfield employees
Councillors may attend additional training throughout their term of office as provided for in Council Town of Crossfield Remuneration Policy.
The following training options are popular with newly elected councillors in Alberta:
- Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP), which is offered to councillors from municipalities affiliated with the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) and Alberta Municipalities (ABMunis)
- Emergency Management Training, which is offered through the Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) and is mandatory for councillors in Alberta
- National Advanced Certificate in Local Authority Administration (NACLAA), which is offered through the University of Alberta
Time Commitment
Being a Town of Crossfield Councillor involves a significant amount of time to be dedicated towards performing the duties of the office. Councillors are expected to do the following:
- prepare for and attend Council meetings and meetings of the boards and committees to which they are appointed by Council
- attend and represent the Town of Crossfield at public events, such as grand openings, parades, open houses, and public meetings
- prepare for and attend workshops and other training opportunities provided or facilitated by the Town
- answer emails, letters, and phone calls from residents
One of the core duties of a Town of Crossfield Councillor is to attend Council meetings and meetings of the various other boards and committees that a councillor may be appointed to by Council.
Council meetings are generally held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m.
In addition to regular meetings, you will be required to attend special meetings, committee and board meetings and various public meetings.
Councillor’s will be required to prepare for these meetings by reviewing the agenda packages prior to the meeting in order to make informed decisions.
Key Documents, Policies, Bylaws and Legislation
Municipal Government Act (MGA)
Municipalities in Alberta operate under the Municipal Government Act (MGA), which defines their purposes and powers, ranging from small villages with a few hundred residents to large cities with populations exceeding a million. Nearly all functions of the Town of Crossfield, including governance, planning and development, taxation and assessment, and bylaw enforcement, are rooted in the provisions of the MGA.
While Councillors are not required to have an in-depth understanding of the entire MGA, familiarity with its key sections is encouraged, as the legislation outlines the scope of what the Town of Crossfield can and cannot do.
Following the 2025 municipal election, an orientation session will be provided to the Town of Crossfield Councillors, highlighting the most important aspects of the MGA.
Council Code of Conduct Bylaw
The Municipal Government Act requires all Alberta municipalities to establish a Council Code of Conduct. In the Town of Crossfield, all Councillors must comply with the standards outlined in the Town’s Council Code of Conduct Bylaw.
This bylaw defines the ethical standards expected of Councillors, including how they represent and communicate on behalf of the Town, as well as how they interact with fellow Councillors, municipal employees, and the public.
The bylaw also establishes procedures for filing complaints against Councillors suspected of violating the code, processes for investigating such complaints, and mechanisms for imposing sanctions if a breach is confirmed.
Council Procedure Bylaw
The Town of Crossfield’s Procedure Bylaw outlines the process for making decisions during Council meetings and provides guidance on how individual Councillors can present their proposals for Council's consideration. The current Procedure Bylaw was adopted in 2020-01 and is currently under review.
All Councillors, especially the Mayor, who chairs Council meetings, are expected to be familiar with the provisions of the Procedure Bylaw. It is the responsibility of every Councillor to understand and comply with its requirements.
Candidate List
Starting January 2, 2025, candidates can begin submitting nomination papers for the 2025 municipal election. The Town of Crossfield will update the list of candidates on this page within 48 hours of receiving a candidate’s nomination papers or notice of intent to run for office.
Each candidate’s nomination papers, including the required criminal record check as outlined in the Town of Crossfield’s Election Bylaw, will be publicly available on this page. To protect candidates' personal information, the nomination papers will be partially redacted in compliance with the Local Authorities Election Act.
It is official that the following persons have filed Nomination Papers for the Town of Crossfield Municipal Election:
Name | Office | Phone No. |
Mary Wojdyga | Mayor | 403-804-0101 |
Candidate Nomination Process
Updates by the Province are being made to the Local Authorities Election Act forms. These forms include the Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance form based on the recent Local Authorities Election Act amendments. Our website will be updated when the Returning Officer receives the updated forms.
Nomination papers are the official documents candidates must submit to the Town of Crossfield to qualify for municipal election candidacy. The requirements for these papers are specified in the Local Authorities Election Act and Town of Crossfield’s Election Bylaw. Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek independent legal advice when completing their nomination papers.
To maintain impartiality in the nomination process, the Town of Crossfield does not assist candidates in preparing their papers. Candidates are solely responsible for ensuring their nomination papers meet the requirements outlined in the Local Authorities Election Act and the Town’s Election Bylaw.
For additional guidance on running in the 2025 municipal election, candidates can refer to Alberta Municipal Affairs’ "A Candidate’s Guide: Running for Municipal Office in Alberta" for more information on being a candidate in the 2025 municipal election.
Notice of Intent to be Nominated
Recent amendments to the Local Authorities Election Act now require all candidates to file a Notice of Intent with the Town of Crossfield before accepting campaign contributions or incurring campaign expenses. Candidates can submit this notice either at the same time as their nomination papers or prior to filing them.
The Local Authorities Election Act permits candidates to accept campaign contributions or incur expenses before officially being nominated, as long as they have first filed the Notice of Intent with the Town of Crossfield.
Candidates who intend to accept campaign contributions or incur campaign expenses before submitting their nomination papers must file a Notice of Intent to Be Nominated with the Town of Crossfield, using the prescribed forms available below or directly from Alberta Municipal Affairs.
Nomination Forms
Nomination papers must include:
- Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance (Form 4). The Nomination Paper must be signed by a minimum of five (5) eligible voters as outlined in the Local Authorities Election Act :
Eligibility to vote
s. 47 (1) of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) (This section was copied from the most current LAEA version available at the time this package was released)
A person is eligible to vote in an election held pursuant to this Act if the person
(a) is at least 18 years old,
(b) is a Canadian citizen, and
(c) resides in Alberta and the person’s place of residence is located in the local jurisdiction on election day.
To ensure the validity of their Nomination Papers, a Candidate is encouraged to submit more than the required five (5) electors’ signatures. An additional form for signatures for Nomination Papers is attached to this package.
- All portions of the nomination form must be completed, and the Candidates acceptance sworn or affirmed before a Commissioner for Oaths or the Returning Officer or Substitute Returning Officer.
- A criminal record check (at the sole expense of the Candidate, completed at least six months prior to the date the nomination is submitted) as required by Bylaw 2024-10 – Election Municipal Election Bylaw.
- Notice of Intent. All portions of the Notice of Intent form must be completed before accepting campaign contribution or incurring expenses. (New for Election 2025).
- Town of Crossfield Candidate Contact Information form. All portions of the Candidate information form must be completed.
- Local Authorities Election Forms - Form 5 – Candidate Financial Information, Form 11 – Enumerator, Official Agent and Form 26 – Campaign Disclosure Statement.
Acceptable Criminal Record Check Providers
Candidate Nomination Package
Filing of Nomination Papers
Nomination Period: All candidates for Mayor and Councillor must file their Nomination Papers within the period of January 2, 2025, and ending on Monday September 22, 2025 by Noon (12:00 p.m.). at the Town of Crossfield Administrative Office, 1005 Ross Street, Crossfield, AB
Hours: Monday to Friday (except Statutory holidays), 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
NOTE: Mailed, facsimile transmission or other electronically submitted Nomination Paper papers will not be accepted.
Nominations papers can be submitted by a person other than the candidate provided that the Candidate’s Acceptance (Form 4) is signed and sworn before a Commissioner for Oaths before filing.
It is the candidate’s responsibility to be aware of the nomination requirements and comply with them. Forms that do not meet the above requirements and s. 27 of the Local Authorities Election Act will be returned.
The Returning Officer CANNOT accept late submissions. Candidates are encouraged to file their nomination papers well in advance of the nomination deadline.
Examination of Nomination Papers
Within 48 hours after the close of the Nomination Day, a person eligible to vote in the election may request to examine filed nominations during regular business hours and in the presence of the Returning or Deputy Returning Officer.
s. 28(6.1) of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) (This section was copied from the most current LAEA version available at the time this package was released)
(6) At any time after the commencement of the nomination period until the term of office to which the filed nomination papers relate has expired, a person may request to examine the filed nomination papers during regular business hours and in the presence of the returning officer, deputy or secretary.
(6.1) A filed nomination paper referred to in subsection (6) must be made available in a partial or redacted form as necessary to ensure that the following is not disclosed:
(a) the mailing address of the candidate and of the candidate’s official agent;
(b) any personal information that in the opinion of the returning officer, deputy or secretary would compromise the personal safety of the candidate.
(6.2) If a criminal record check accompanies a candidate’s nomination papers, the results of the criminal record check must not be withheld or redacted under subsection (6.1) except to ensure that the mailing address of the candidate and of the candidate’s official agent is not disclosed.
Be reminded that it is not the Returning Officer’s responsibility to rule on the validity of the information contained in the nomination form. Ineligible nomination forms can be challenged by an elector.
Withdrawal of nomination
s. 32 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) (This section was copied from the most current LAEA version available at the time this package was released)
32(1) A person nominated as a candidate may withdraw as a candidate at any time during the nomination period.
(2) At any time within 24 hours after the close of the nomination period, if more than the required number of candidates for any particular office are nominated, any person so nominated may withdraw as a candidate for the office for which the candidate was nominated by filing with the returning officer a withdrawal in writing.
Important Dates
Date | Description | Location |
Jan. 1, 2025 | Nomination opens (Office closed) | n/a |
Jan. 2, 2025 | First Day that nomination paper can be submitted | Town of Crossfield Administrative Office |
May 1, 2025 | Candidate Election Advertising begins | n/a |
Sept. 22, 2025 | Nomination period ends at 12 p.m. - noon | Town of Crossfield Administrative Office |
Sept. 23, 2025 | Deadline to withdraw Nomination is by 12 p.m. - noon | Town of Crossfield Administrative Office |
Oct. 1, 2025 | Candidates Forum | Crossfield & District Community Center |
Oct 9, 2025 | Advance Polls (4 – 8 p.m.) | Town of Crossfield Administrative Office |
Oct. 20, 2025 | Election Day (10 a.m. – 8 p.m.) | Crossfield & District Community Center |
Oct. 24, 2025 | Results of Election declared and published | n/a |
Oct. 28, 2025 | *Swearing-In Ceremony & Council Organizational Meeting | Council Chambers |
Nov. 4, 2025 | First Council Meeting | Council Chambers |
Nov. 12 – 14, 2025 | Alberta Municipalities Annual Convention | Calgary |
** Additional Council orientation training will be held before and after the October 28 Organizational Meeting.
Election Advertising Period
Election Advertising Period
s. 162 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA)
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1)(d), “election advertising” includes
(a) canvassing for the benefit of a candidate or to promote or oppose a position on an issue that is the subject of a vote on a bylaw or question, and
(b) organizing events where the primary purpose of the event is to promote or oppose a candidate or a position on an issue that is the subject of a vote on a bylaw or question.
(d) “election advertising” means, subject to subsection (3), the transmission to the public by any means during an election advertising period of an advertising message that promotes or opposes the election of a candidate or takes a position on an issue that is the subject of a vote on a bylaw or question, and for greater certainty does not include
(i) the transmission to the public of an editorial, a debate, a speech, an interview, a column, a letter, a commentary or news,
(ii) the distribution of a book, or the promotion of the sale of a book, for no less than its commercial value, if the book was planned to be made available to the public regardless of whether there was to be an election,
(iii) the transmission of a document or the communication directly by a corporation or a group to its members, employees or shareholders, as the case may be,
(iv) the transmission by an individual, corporation or group, on a non-commercial basis on the Internet, of the political views of that individual, corporation or group,
(v) the making of telephone calls to electors only to encourage them to vote,
(vi) advertising by the local jurisdiction in any form, or
(vii) the transmission to the public in a local jurisdiction that is not a local jurisdiction for which the advertising message was intended and in which there is no candidate and no vote on a bylaw or question to which the transmission relates;
(e) “election advertising period” means,
(i) in the case of a general election, the period beginning on May 1 in the year in which a general election is held and ending at the end of the election day,
(ii) in the case of a by-election, the period beginning on the day after the resolution or bylaw is passed to set the election day for the by-election and ending at the end of the election day, and
(iii) in the case of a vote on a bylaw or question, the period beginning on the day the election is set by resolution or bylaw and ending at the end of the election day;